Python import Statements: Modules and Libraries Hassan Ademola November 21, 2020You do not have to hard-code everything you need to implement your projects. You only have to import the functions, variables, and classes b...
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects Hassan Ademola November 10, 2020What are Classes? Classes are blueprints for representing various real wold things and situations. They are models from which various objec...
Python Functions: Understand and Learn to Write Your Own Functions Hassan Ademola September 29, 2020A function is a code block that contains several lines of reusable code which perform a specific task or job. To execute a task, you only ne...
While Loops in Python [With Code Examples] Hassan Ademola September 17, 2020In Python, for loops work with collections of items. while loops on the other hand, work with conditions. A for loop would continue to ...
List Comprehension in Python Hassan Ademola September 04, 2020In the last article you learned to generate lists with for loops. In this article you’ll learn to generate lists using list comprehensions....
For Loops in Python: How to Find Even and Prime Numbers Hassan Ademola August 27, 2020Consider the existing_usernames list from the previous article . It can be inefficient to singly print a custom message to each user. For ...
If Statements in Python Hassan Ademola August 22, 2020Conditional test is the heart of if statements . In the last article you learned about conditional tests which evaluate to either True or F...